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Identify bad actors sooner with SaifrScreen

Use unstructured data and advanced AI to help you detect threats earlier

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Strengthen your AML/KYC program with adverse media screening


Uncover true, relevant alerts

  • Get extensive coverage from across the internet and threat/risk lists
  • Reduce false positives to avoid unmanageable backlogs
  • Discover potential bad actors in your customer and vendor populations
  • Onboard clients confidently across industries

Increase efficiency

  • Monitor your customer and vendor populations continuously
  • Review potential risk alerts automatically
  • See results for a wide range of crimes that increase AML risks
  • Enable scalability of your AML/KYC program

Maintain ongoing defense against risks

  • Receive real-time alerts for your customer and vendor populations
  • Get early warning of potential changes in entity risk profiles
  • Protect your organization with alerts from sources that are constantly growing and evolving

We crawl and index over 230K sources worldwide 24/7...

190 countries
160 languages
23 billion webpages
1.5 million webpages added daily help you comply with regulatory requirements and guidelines that matter.

AML/KYC risk management that's actionable and efficient

Finds up to 7x the number of bad actors

Crawls and indexes data 24/7

Surfaces fewer false positives


Based on 2021 assessment with a large financial institution. Client improvement experiences are for representative purposes only. Results may vary based on different factors unique to a financial institution and its customer base.

How SaifrScreen works

  • Connect via API or securely bulk upload your full customer and vendor populations to be reviewed for AML/KYC risks
  • See results ranked by relevance, with sources and context for each
  • Get alerts of potential new risks daily

SaifrScreen surfaces results for a wide range of risks...


Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointFinancial crimes

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointViolent crimes 

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointRegulatory violations

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointMoney laundering

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointAnd more

... based on OFAC sanctions lists and a variety of types of adverse media:

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointPolitically exposed persons (PEPs)

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointWanted/watch lists

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointNews media 

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointMarijuana-related businesses (MRBs)

Diagonal_shape_bullet-pointAnd more

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Bulk adverse media screening with wider coverage and higher precision

SaifrScreen can be far more precise than leading industry offerings because we leverage unstructured data and layers of AI to match searches to potential risks.

SaifrScreen uses targeted, unstructured data to expand coverage and alert to potentially risky information.

Most vendors only search structured data like sanctions lists, watchlists, and Most Wanted lists—but those lists can be slow to be updated. SaifrScreen provides expansive coverage by indexing unstructured data to catch potential risks as soon as any association occurs.

Unstructured data may include:

  • Government sources
  • Arrest record aggregators
  • Court record aggregators
  • News
Of all internet data, 20% is structured data and 80% is unstructured data.

Unstructured data contains valuable information that many other providers can’t capture.

Extensive coverage doesn’t mean better results unless you’re using layers of sophisticated AI—like we are.

SaifrScreen’s AI finds the highest probability risk matches, so you aren’t buried by false positives.

We use layers of cascading AI models to filter large amounts of data into relevant risk alerts. Our LLMs and NLP models feed into one another to understand the details and sentiment of adverse media sources, enabling precise matches of searches to potential risks. With SaifrScreen, one of our clients effectively monitors 50 million customers with just 2.5 analysts.

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Details and capabilities

Pricing is volume based. For more information, contact Sales.

Don't just take it from us.

Our clients' successes speak for themselves.

Ready to take the next step?

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